Book & Bound Materials Scanning Services
High Quality Scanning Services

Many forms of information appear in bound form; government ledger and docket books, bound newspapers, published books, periodicals, lab notebooks, and a wide variety of others.
While most information today is published in electronic form, existing bound materials contain massive amounts of vital information. However the bound format is becoming less compatible with today's need to have information readily available anytime, anywhere.
Scanning is the solution. Converting bound volumes into high quality electronic documents can make them readily accessible to virtually anyone. Conversely, if your need is control, scanning books can make them far easier to secure as encrypted, controlled electronic files.
Scanning will also provide a simple means to create a backup of all books - a goal that is otherwise virtually impossible with bound volumes.
Scanning bound materials requires specialized equipment. While edge copiers/scanners work, they are painfully slow, can damage the materials, and often don't capture information deep in the book "gutter". Our Conversion Services staff utilizes equipment designed specifically to scan books.
Books are scanned face-up to capture all information and avoid damage to the book bindings. Software algorithms electronically eliminate the books curvature and produce a high quality image that appears flat.
Books can be scanned in simple black & white or more advanced grayscale and color modes to capture illustrations and photographs. OCR can also be applied to provide full text searching, enable searchable PDFs, and output to databases or search engines.
Reynolds Conversion Services Department has been capturing documents for over 47 years. Our staff averages 17+ years of experience. We have the experience to handle both small, simple projects and large, technically complex projects requiring an in-depth knowledge of your files.
We also make the process simple. Once we have established the project specifications and submitted samples for evaluation, our staff takes over and your time can be spent fulfilling your duties, not managing a scanning project.
Regardless of your industry, our staff has extensive experience with a wide array of organizational document types; higher education, banking, government, utilities, service providers, manufacturers, healthcare, and many others.
Please feel free to contact us if we may be of assistance with any of your information management projects - please use the form in the footer below or our Contact Page.
Related Items
Book Scanners
Scan Books Internally
If outsourcing does not fit your needs or you also need to scan internally, Reynolds provides a full line of book scanners
PDF Services
Convert Your Images to PDF
Receive your content as searchable (or non-searchable) PDFs that can include links, bookmarks and other useful features
Box Label Templates
Downloadable Box Labels
Download either of the PDFs below to label your boxes prior to Reynolds pickup. Complete the fillable PDF electronically or handwrite. Self adhesive pockets to affix labels to the boxes will be provided.
Document Preparation Checklist
Document Prep Guide
If your internal staff will be preparing documents for scanning, this PDF is a quick checklist of the procedure.
Benefits of Scanning
Scanning brings all organizations a number of significant operational benefits;
Provides immediate access from desktop PCs or portable devices
Enables tighter security of encrypted electronic files
Enables audit trail tracking of who has accessed information
Provides a backup copy for disaster recovery purposes
Eliminates storage requirements
Prevents lost or misfiled documents
Enables searching by a wide range of index values
Simplifies and automates records retention
Enables regulatory compliance
Greatly simplifies audits
Allows for outsourced services